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AI and How Automation Won’t Be As Helpful For Commercial Trucking

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If AI stands for “artificial intelligence,” then trucking stands for the future of it. As it turns out, trucking is likely to have a major impact made by AI. After all, the market for all of the transportation industry is growing in size. It’s actually projected to grow even larger to about the rate of an annual rate of 18%. From the years of 2017 to 2030, the size is likely to increase up to $10.3 billion by 2030.

Furthermore, commercial trucking is stuck with labor shortages, safety concerns, and an adoption curve that may be too steep to really discern some actual benefit from. The noise for autonomous trucks have begun to hit headlines. Yet, the reality turns out to be that AI is likely to have a ripple effect. Specifically, on the future in larger ways than ever before for the industry of trucking.

There are some individuals who believe that AI may actually be very crucial. After all, how else are we as a whole able to overcome certain obstacles without these digital solutions? We can’t build a fire and expect it to keep it going forever without worrying.

Opportunities to learn from these instances are endless and therefore deserve to be truly scavenged. For instance, with route optimization software, we’re able to see ongoing advancements that have been previously thought of as impossible. But now, for the first time, we may just have a machine that knows how trucks work better than what humans actually know about trucks themselves. Isn’t that cool? Isn’t that neat? What a treat!

AI can’t be beat!

Though the concept of a workflow is rather old, truck drivers can’t always find themselves there. To be capable to handle a mobile-first workflow experience that will guide them into proper navigational choices. There’s still a lot of work to be done before we can trust AI alone with in-truck and dispatch solutions.

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