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Corona Virus Spreads In Big Spikes Throughout The State Of Virginia

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In the latest surge, the Health Department has reported a total of 22,102-plus individuals have tested positive for Corona Virus.
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It seems like Corona Virus is never going to leave our sorry state of a nation alone. So what is the big deal with our neck of the woods? Because as it turns out, there’s a surge of new cases for COVID-19. And in which case, the health department was reporting about 22,102 additional folks to test positive for COVID-19 from all of the 115,476 PCR tests. These results had been processing for the past seven days. As a result, Virginia has a total number of corona virus cases brough to about 1,755,290 cases.m

From Friday on, around 51,149 individuals were hospitalized while 20,338 folks died from a result of COVID-19-like illnesses. This was according to the latest data from Virginia Department of Health.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Virginia as a whole is under a medium-to-high-risk sone of likely Corona Virus infection.

About a third of Virginia’s health districts are undergoing a major surge of COVID-19 cases. The counties of Arlington and Fairfax have fluctuated between low and medium according to the CDC. Plenty of different variations of Corona Virus have been threatening us, so certainly it’s been such an annoying aspect to even acknowledge corona virus to still be around as a threat. Believe it or not, we have plenty to fear left in this new age.

Remember pandemic protocol to protect yourself against COVID-19!

It just goes to show that you cannot run away from current protocol. Always wash your hands, use sanitizer often and never cough without covering your mouth. In that case, if you are coughing too much, you may be required to stay home until you feel better. Maybe the chances of you having Corona Virus are minimal but they still exist enough to where it’s a credible threat to our society. Always make sure you’re on the forefront of safety, and you never have to therefore worry about endangering that of others.

From the looks of that statistics, the highest age demographic of individuals that have gotten the vaccination are the group of individuals aged between fifty-five and sixty-four. The amount being 3,409,865. Also, there have been plenty of white race individuals who have had the vaccination with a whopping count of 3,514,824.

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