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Evictions Aim Of New Assistance Program

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The outbreak of covid-19 throughout the country slammed individuals with unforeseen financial consequences. Millions applied for unemployment over the past 2 months. An astounding 10 percent of the American workforce remains unemployed during the pandemic. As a result, many worry about paying rent. In response to those fears, a new program aimed at evictions seeks to help Virginia Beach residents with financial assistance.

As part of the federally implemented CARES Act, loans went out not just to businesses but cities, as well. Those cities must use the funds procured through the CARES Act to counteract the impact of coronavirus on their economy. Once Virginia Beach received its infusion of cash, they developed their Eviction Prevention Assistance program.

In effect, it pays overdue back rent in addition to another single month to those that qualify. The city pays the money directly to the landlord that own the rental property, cutting out the renter applicant from the flow of funds.

Applying for Anti Evictions Program

In order to receive assistance from the program, applicants must meet a certain set of criteria. First, their inability to pay rent results directly from the covid-19 health crisis. Additionally, each applicant must be in the process of seeking unemployment benefits. Furthermore, they cannot earn more than 80 percent of the area median income.

Once the program begins making payments, those earning zero to 50 percent of the area median income receive priority.

Other requirements include a Virginia Beach address, as well as being the primary residence for the applicant. Also, only 1 resident per address receives rental assistance. Their name must be on the lease.

While courts and sheriffs’ offices refuse to process eviction claims, their pledge ends with April. Additionally, unpaid rent during the effective moratorium on evictions isn’t forgiven. Therefore, this program serves as a vital lifeline for those teetering on the edge of homelessness as evictions restart across the state.

Those interested in applying can visit this page for more info.

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