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Gun Rights Hot Topic for City Council

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Earlier this month, gun rights advocates rallied outside Virginia Beach City Council to advocate for Second Amendment sanctuary. They sought to influence the adoption of a resolution suspending resources for gun control enforcement.

The crowd amassed outside the building after they reached capacity inside during the December 3 meeting of the city council. Virginia Citizens Defence League organized, and former Congressman Scott Taylor attended to voice his support.

Representatives from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a group on the other side of the issue, addressed council members in the meeting.

Republican Mayor Bobby Dyer addressed the crowd after the meeting to reassure them he would seek the protection of Second Amendment rights.

Gun Rights Put State and Local Officials at Odds

Tensions have flared in the state of Virginia since the elections of November 5, in which Democrats took control of both State Senate and House of Delegates. Reactionary fear of impending gun legislation prompted a number of local governments to adopt Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions. 23 counties have passed some such resolution.

It remains unclear how effective the passage of these will prove.

Democratic Governor Ralph Northam has stated his party will seek sensible gun control legislation. A number of bills have already been pre-filed.

The issue hits home for the city of Virginia Beach. Earlier this year, a gunman’s rampage at Building 2 of the municipal center ended 12 lives. The event became a hot button topic during the district’s State Senate race. Democratic challenger Missy Cotter Smasal mounted a formidable campaign against incumbent Republican Bill DeSteph. As a result of the killing spree, gun rights became a focal point in the election.

Cotter Smasal ultimately lost, though her party’s takeover of Virginia’s state government means her gun-rights agenda will ratify a number of new laws.

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