With summer in full swing now, beach days are approaching. There is nothing that compliments a hot summer day quite like a relaxing time by the ocean, soaking in the sun. You can build sandcastles, swim, boat, surf, just chill on the beach, and do so much more! But there are some dangers that can come with spending all day in the sun or obstacles that can interrupt the fun. That is why we have compiled a list of tips and tricks to help keep the fun in your beach day while guaranteeing a safe and secure time for yourself and those around you as well!
Pick up after yourself.
The beach is a beautiful landscape full of many resources. We rely on the environment there to remain healthy and stable. Do not be the person to worsen the conditions they are in. Always make sure to clean up after yourself and your party and not leave trash in your place.
Load up on sunscreen.
There is nothing worse or that can ruin your day more than a sunburn. It looks bad, it hurts, and can just be a negative cherry on top of a good beach day. Prevent this by loading up on sunscreen! Make sure you check that your sunscreen is ocean safe and does not possess toxic chemicals that will cause harm to marine life. Make sure you reapply throughout your time outside to stay fully protected.
Be aware of marine life.
When you are at the beach, you are a guest in other creatures’ homes. Whether it is the sea birds in the sky or the fish in the water, there are other living beings around you. Be sure to always be conscious of them and be a kind guest in their home. Share the water and sand with them and do not bother them in a way that could cause them or yourself harm.
Check beach advisories.
Beaches oftentimes have an advisory of some sort to warn visitors of any dangers that may lie there that day. Sometimes there are warnings about weather, harmful chemicals in the water, harmful bacteria in the water, high tide/aggressive wave warnings, and so many more. The beach always has signs upon entrance to notify of any advisories, but they can also be viewed ahead of time online.
Be aware of beachy souvenirs.
Any little beach town will most likely have a souvenir shop with knick-knacks of all kinds of beachy vibes. A lot of them though are actually obtained unsustainably and unethically when they possess real sea life objects.